Raff Angus Stud
Raff Angus Stud

Raff Angus Awards

Above: David Raff - The Founder

Raff familyDavid & Jill Raff

Andrew & Anna Raff

Raff Angus farm
Raff Angus Farm

Raff Angus cattleThe Raff Angus Cattle

Raff Angus cattle

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About Raff Angus Stud



2015 saw a major restructure of Raff Angus culminating with the sale of their Queensland property and the purchase of land on King Island. David and Jill moved to King Island in January 2015 with Andrew, Anna and family moving down in September 2015.

Over 500 Raff Angus Herd Book Registered females were relocated to King Island from Queensland to form the nucleus of the families elite Angus Seedstock and Angus Beef breeding business.

It has taken us half a decade to ‘settle in’ within our new and quite contrasting environment. Our new business model has seen a shift from a 94% bull breeding program when in Queensland to now around a 30% production level noting our Herd Book Registered cow numbers have doubled.

Spring 2021 will see the beginning of a new chapter where Raff Angus will return to the spring selling season with an on-property bull sale held back at our previous location at Drillham in Queensland. This will become an annual event. The aim is to sell 100 bulls through the auction system each year with private sales occurring on demand.

Approximately 400 registered male calves will be born annually allowing for intense pedigree, phenotype and performance selection pressures to occur.

All remaining male calves will be 100% grass finished on farm as steers, certified organic, and followed through to a carcase standpoint to allow for detailed carcase feedback and assessment for further within herd genetic gain.

Our whole production system is now a total pasture fed one - receiving no grain or pellet supplements - taking advantage of the unique environment and pastures of King Island.

The Raff Family remain totally committed to continuing to breed the type of cattle that have been the trademark of Raff Angus for the past 56 years – that is fast growing, high yielding cattle with traditional carcase and maternal values that reach optimum weight and finish at the youngest possible age efficiently whilst remaining sound, fertile and functional.


The Raff Angus at full production will calve down 900 Herd Book Registered cows annually. From these 30% of both male and female will be sold for seedstock production.

The remaining 600 odd HBR calves will remain on farm and be pasture raised and fattened within a Certified Organic production system targeting weights of over 320kg’s from around 18 months of age.

All cattle will be 100% pasture fed, receiving no grain or pellet supplements, with finishers HGP, Antibiotic Free and Certified Organic.


The founder of the stud - established 1965 - David Raff spent 56 years on farm dedicating his life to the Angus breed for the Australian Beef Industry with the full support of wife Jill. Early 2021 they both relocated back to Toowoomba, Queensland. 

Andrew Raff with his wife Anna and young family Harry, Charlie, Georgina and Olivia control all aspects of the business from sire selection and breeding decisions to the general ‘day to day’ cattle husbandry, farm management and record keeping.

Anna, who is a Vet, is responsible for the AI and Animal Health duties as well as doing all the business financial work.


The Raff Angus herd is run on a 1057 hectare aggregation within the south eastern end of King Island - just 8km off the east coast. It is located in some of the highest production and highest rainfall land on the island.

King Island is located on the western side of Bass Strait mid-way between Tasmania and the mainland. It is just 70 odd kilometres long and a little over 30 kilometres wide yet produces over 20% of Tasmania’s beef production.

King Island experiences a mild temperate climate that allows green grass to thrive all year round making it ideal breeding and fattening country. Along with the cattle the four children have a free-range egg production business.

A small number of Texel sheep are run to produce rams for the islands requirements and for fat lamb production. Two houses on-property are currently being renovated for Farm Stay Tourism opportunities.

In August 2020 the majority of our farm became fully Certified Organic.

Raff Angus